
How has technology changed your job?

I am writing about my first job in the city where buying and selling shares was undertaken over the phone and calculations made by pencil on paper then ledgers recorded the transactions in ink.

A photocopier had already been installed I believe but they experimented with styrographs. sending info from one machine to the other. Vague memories but I certainly remember when the computer came into action and sent the communication world on a different course.

People were trained in basic computer skills. Students who had studied this from the beginning leapfrogged over the antiquated methods which were now redundant.

Answer to question, get up to date with IT or look for another job. My first fear re IT was when the mobile phone came into its own. Older folk were hesitant at first but there was no stopping them. It has changed the world. And people. Often not for the better.

As we head into an unknown future we now have AI at our disposal. This will be a real challenge but hopefully will help and not hinder progress. Dangerous times ahead.

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